We would like you to be:
• Passionate about what you do, you just cant get enough of it!
• Tell us things that we didn’t know about your industry.
• Self motivated and enjoy a challenge.
• 4-6 agency senior project manager experience.
• Native Chinese with spoken English.

You will be responcible for:
• Oversee all projects activities and be the main contact point for clients and internal.
• Overseeing the planning, development and execution of all projects deliverables, lead project planning, budgeting, action plans and monitoring traffic process to the end of the project.
• Coordinate internal strategic direction with our venders/third parties for seamless project execution.
• Keep internal resources up-to-date and organised.
• Employ resourcefulness in project design, implementation and monitoring. Trouble shoots project problems. Identify and implement creative solutions.
• You are self motivated and great at getting things done.

Please send your CV, cover letter and references to hr@lukecardew.com and we will be in touch.

1. 对你所做的事情充满热情
2. 愿意与我们分享你专业领域的知识
3. 具有主观能动性,能够自我激励勇于接受挑战
4. 4-6年的乙方项目经理工作经历
5. 中文母语,英文流利

1. 全局考虑公司运营机能下,设计规划各个项目执行方案。,同时具有风险意识,能够评估项目的健康状。
2. 规划项目时间表管理,明晰各个项目结点并督促各部门协力合作完成各结点阶段工作
3. 维护客户关系,并将客户需求清晰传达给相关部门。
4. 与供应商保持友好互利关系,建立起供应商网络,可以和供应商合作迅速将项目推进
5. 在项目过程中应用自己多方面的能力提出有创意的解决方案
6. 能够发挥主观能动性并按时交付任务
